I Got Worms

So get this.  Tyler and I were playing in the backyard at the water table when I noticed a worm in the grass.  I picked it up to show him, and of course he grabbed it and {almost} shoved it into his mouth.  I interceded, knocking the worm out of his hand…through the air…and onto the side of his head, where the poor thing stuck.  See below.

Funny kid!  Maybe he has a future in worm farms.

This Kid…

We rode bikes into town last night to celebrate Tyler’s birthday.  On the way home, he fell asleep, arms up and all.  Because he didn’t look ridiculous enough with the helmet and the five-point harness.


And this morning, I caught him playing with one of his books:

Tyler: Twelve Months

Twelve photo shoots in a silly basket.

Twelve cute little outfits.

Twelve months of smiles, stares, and spitup.

He made it.  Happy 1st Birthday, Tyler.

Usually he gets a bit dressed up, but this time he’s wearing a simple onesie.  A size three month onesie.  From a package I lovingly washed and folded and put away in his dresser–before he was born.  They’re still there, and I don’t know when I’ll be able to take them out.

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Adventure Babies: St Mary’s Glacier

Tyler loves adventuring.  Today, we went with my fellow teacher friend, Michelle, and her baby, Victoria, up to St. Mary’s Glacier.  STUNNING.

The snowfield is the glacier in case you were wondering.
The snowfield is the glacier in case you were wondering.

Only an hour and a half from our house, we’ve driven by the exit hundreds of time but never stopped.  The scenery was even more gorgeous given that it was a pristine blue-sky day.


The babies were rockstars in their packs.  Tyler likes to play with my ponytail which is rather endearing.


We saw wildflowers galore.


Obligatory columbine shot.


We moseyed around the lake to the glacier.



We watched a bunch of wild teenagers jump into the freezing lake off the cliffs in the distance.


And we couldn’t stop talking about what a glorious day it was.

THIS is why I'm a teacher.
THIS is why I’m a teacher.




Dog Days of Summer

The days are still long, but they are numbered.  Tyler returns to daycare on August 3rd, and I return to work–at my new job!  A friend encouraged me to apply at Niwot High School, and as it turns out, I got the job.  I will still be teaching special ed to high school students with cognitive needs, but at a school much closer to my house.  As it’s still summer, I haven’t thought too much about the transition other than needing to get my phone to understand “Niwot.”  Right now when I voice text I’m given “night what,” “not hat,” “high hot,” and other nonsensical interpretations.  Pull it together, Siri.  N-i-w-o-t.

We have had an amazing summer which I will blog about more (I hope).

Here are a few things we’ve been up to:

Eating new foods and trying to break 18 lbs.
Eating new foods and trying to break 18 lbs.
Such as [free] Chick-fil-A.
Such as [free] Chick-fil-A…
...and Sweet Cow ice cream.
…and Sweet Cow ice cream.
Swinging at the many parks on our walks & runs.
Swinging at the many parks in Erie on our walks & runs.
Crawling on furniture...
Crawling through the island…
...and getting stuck in the hall tree.
…and getting stuck in the hall tree.
Exploring new trails with Mommy.
Exploring new trails with Mommy.
And sharing popsicles on the porch.
And sharing popsicles on the porch.
Splashing in the backyard.
Splashing in the backyard.
Learning how to drive.
Learning how to drive.
And catching [very few] zzzzs.
And catching [very few] zzzzs.

Tyler: Eleven Months

Oh my goodness.  This kid takes fun to a new level.

Tyler took off crawling in June and hasn’t looked back.  He pulls himself up on furniture (or our legs) and loves to stand.  I think we’re a ways off from walking, but you never know.  He sleeps [stays in his crib because we don’t go in there] all night long and sometimes naps.  He is a big fan of food pouches and nibbles any table food he can get, but he’s still not eating much and he’s still a tiny dude.

The summer outfit he’s wearing is a hand-me-down and my current favorite of his wardrobe.  His “blue” eyes are remarkably olive green when he wears it.  Even though he has those Holle eyes we think he really looks like me these days.  Yes, he still fits in the basket…and at the rate he’s (not) growing we will probably take his senior pictures in it.






Tyler: Ten Months

Ten Months!  We love this kid.  He’s a lithe fellow weighing in at 17 lbs 8 oz. He has slept through the night for 3 consecutive nights now (and by sleep I mean when he screams we ignore him until he goes back to sleep except for that one time he fell asleep sitting up in his crib and I made Eric go lay him down).  We’re working on napping.  Right now I consider 20 minutes a win.

He creeps and kind of crawls and occasionally pulls himself up.  Daddy can get him to laugh until all of our bellies hurt.  He loves his stacking rings and shape sorter and musical school bus although empty water bottles and lids of any kind are also prized toys.

He is coming around to eating.  There’s nothing he refuses but he’s generally done after a few bites.  I mean who wouldn’t give up lunch to get down on the floor to inspect dog hair?

Thanks, Nana, for the outfit and yes he still fits in the basket!


Tyler: Nine Months

Tyler is more fun now than ever!  He conquered his first real sickness recently, although we still have to go back to check on his double ear infection.  At his well-baby (not so well this time) checkup he measured 29 1/2 inches long (90th %ile) and 16 lbs 9 oz (5th %ile!) As such, we’ve been instructed to feed this kiddo whatever he wants, all day long.  He also was prescribed an Epi-Pen…let’s hope we don’t have to walk that road.  We know he’s allergic to coconut but that’s the only thing we are sure of for now.  Recent mystery hives could be the antibiotics…or raspberries…or Sweet Cow…or waffle fries.  Poor kid.

Yes, he still fits in the basket.


Thanks, Nana, for the dapper shirt.


Things Tyler likes to do:  point at everything with his middle finger, stick his fingers in holes (screw holes on toys, the spout of his food pouches, your mouth/nose/ear), sit unattended, clap toys together, stack rings, and laugh.

Things Tyler does not like to do:  nap, sleep through the night, and crawl.

More photos of those adventures to follow!


Here is a darling video of Tyler’s first real bathtub experience with his cousins Ethan & Emma.  He loved it!  He learned how to splash…which you can see he now practices nightly in his pink tub on the kitchen island.


Happy Birthday, Grandma Holle!

Grandma & Grandpa Holle came to visit from Tuscon over Grandma’s birthday.  They were so excited to spend time with Tyler–they hadn’t seen him since his baptism when he was 10 days old!  The weekend was even more exciting with the surprise visit of the Stumpfs from Lincoln, Nebraska…when we returned from the airport picking up Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Laura & Uncle Andy and cousins Ethan and Emma were hiding in the living room.  What a fun surprise!

Breakfast at Snooze in Fort Collins.
Breakfast at Snooze in Fort Collins.
Getting ready for our tour of New Belgium Brewery.
Getting ready for our tour of New Belgium Brewery.
Ethan pondering a new Saison.
Ethan pondering a new Saison.
Andy & Ethan.
Andy & Ethan.
Cheers!  Babies on brew tours!
Cheers! Babies on brew tours!
Ethan was SO good on the long tour.
Ethan was SO good on the long tour.
We missed you, Paul & Colleen!
We missed you, Paul & Colleen!
Grandma's birthday slide!
Grandma’s birthday slide!
Cubs fans!
Cubs fans!
What are we doing all crammed in the tiny bathroom??
What are we doing all crammed in the tiny bathroom??
Watching this cuteness happen!  More on bath time in another post.
Watching this cuteness happen! More on bath time in another post.

Thanks for visiting, everyone!  Hope you had a wonderful birthday, Shirley!