Tyler: Four Months

He’s incredible.  He laughs, and laughs, and laughs some more.  He looks into our eyes and smiles.  He is happy almost all of the time.  And when he’s not, his tiny bottom lip pouts out and makes us laugh.  Tyler, we’re one-third of the way to your first birthday.

I still fit in this basket.
I still fit in this basket.
I love laughing!
I love laughing!
He's wearing seersucker pants that match the hat.  I bought the outfit four years ago for cousin Ethan to wear to our wedding!
I’m wearing seersucker pants that match my hat. Mommy bought this getup for cousin Ethan to wear to her wedding, and now it’s been passed down to me.

Tyler’s spit-up issues have lessened.  It still happens often, but he mostly drools now. See?

One steady stream.
One steady stream.