Tyler is at that stage where he will copy most anything you do, and wants you to copy what’s he’s doing, too. Here are some selfies from the other night when we were snuggling and reading books on the couch too close to bedtime.
This year was a Holle year for Christmas, so the 11 of us set up camp at Grandma and Grandpa Holle’s in Tucson. We were fortunate to have mostly decent weather (contrary to popular belief, Tucson is NOT hot and sweaty in December…we were lucky to be outside without a jacket on any given day). We had an amazing time being all together: us from Colorado, the Stumpfs from Nebraska, and Paul & Colleen from Idaho. We cooked delicious meals, visited the Desert Museum and the Children’s Museum, stopped at In and Out (sadly, only once), and drank an entire keg. The kids wore matching Christmas Jammies (thanks, Aunt Laura!) and loved playing with toys from the Holle stash, new toys, each other, and especially Aunt Colleen.
Waiting to catch our redeye out of Denver…Playing peekaboo with Emma on the plane!Cousin playtime.Tyler, trying to figure out how Ethan is playing with the same manger scene we have at home.Enjoying the neighborhood park.In and Out. In my mouth. (Animal style fries…although it looks like barf.)Christmas Jammies!Christmas Eve at church.Special time with Grandma examining the tree.Uncle Andy brought an old-school video game gadget. Here, Emma and Tyler are playing Super Mario Bros.Paul & Colleen being silly at the Desert Museum.Emma and Tyler were enthralled with Aunt Colleen.Aunt Laura teaching the boys a game.Tucson Children’s Museum!Maybe he’ll be a scientist someday.
We had a fabulous trip and made lots of fun memories. We even got to stay an extra day–thanks, Southwest Airlines, for canceling so many flights. Also, thanks to Southwest Airlines for losing our BOB and then returning it 5 days later at 11:30 pm…a trip to remember!
As with every family, the holidays were a blur for us this year. Here are a few photos of Tyler enjoying his second Christmas, at home in Colorado.
I think I’ve mentioned before how many hand-me-downs I have …including amazing holiday wear.Mommy, I don’t really like this embroidery.Not my gumdrop buttons!!!Ok seriously can this vest and turtleneck be my last Ugly Christmas Outfit?
Tyler was being so stinkin’ cute this day. Our church celebrates Christmas Eve on the Sunday before, so we attended, saw Santa (around the corner from our house on a firetruck!), and opened presents from my side of the family.
Not yet impressed by the big guy.The basketball hoop from Nana & Grandpa was an instant hit.
Tyler was an angel around the Christmas tree–we didn’t have any broken ornaments or swimming-in-the-reservoir episodes. He had fun opening gifts, playing of course with the paper and ribbons. Thanks for the new toys, books, and clothes Aunt Heidi & Uncle David and Nana & Grandpa! The Wedgits and Richard Scarry books are some of my faves!
Eric and I are fortunate to have very flexible schedules with our jobs. My school district gives us the whole week at Thanksgiving and Eric can take days off/work from home as needed. So, we flew to Chicago on the redeye Monday night.
Redeye bedhead
We enjoyed time with my brother and Heidi and our nephews, Everett and Judd. The adults imbibed, the children frolicked, and Nana & Grandpa were exhausted.
On Tuesday, we visited a local indoor play area. The boys LOVED it and it was so fun to see Tyler seem all grown up running around with older kids and showing no fear on slides and ladders.
Judd and Tyler gettin’ crazy in the toddler area.Judd practicing face-smashing.Uncle Dave with Tyler.Family dinner out in Barrington.
Nighttime is a hoot with 3 wound-up boys.
Rub a dub dub how many more years can we fit in this tub?!Nana reads bedtime stories.Grandpa wrestles and makes babies laugh (and stay up late).These bottles ain’t for no baby.
Wednesday we celebrated an unorthodox Thanksgiving! Our flight was leaving Thursday afternoon (literally no cheaper time to fly–$59). So, we cooked our dinner on Wednesday! Heidi and I spent most of our time drinking wine in the kitchen slaving over side dishes while Nana & Grandpa and the daddies played with the boys.
Old school art project: Indian headbands!Two little Indian boys.Before-dinner family walk on the shores of frigid Lake Zurich.After-dinner family nap.
We had so much fun chasing after Everett, Judd, and Tyler. Fortunately we didn’t get too tired, because we had a Turkey Trot to do on Thanksgiving morning!
Thanks, Long Grove, for the fun race and for letting us finish seconds before the rain started.
So glad we were able to all be together for the holiday. Tyler is a mere 5 1/2 weeks older than Judd and we all look forward to them growing up together!
“How do I exchange my dollars for Vermont Money?”–Joey Tribbiani
Way back last year sometime, Eric decided he needed to take a class for work. A 3-day workshop kind of class, offered by a private vendor at a variety of locations around the country. When he told me that Vermont was on the list–in OCTOBER!–I knew all 3 of us would be going. I have ALWAYS wanted to go to the Northeast in the fall. I wanted to experience the whole deal: leaf-peeping, cider donuts, and maple syrup tapping. Ok, I was bummed to learn that the syrup thing doesn’t happen in the fall…but I still wanted Tyler and I to tag along on this trip. So, we went for four days of family vacation before Eric stayed to take his class.
In true Hollewood vacation style, we didn’t waste a minute. From the moment we landed in Burlington, we were on the go. Tyler was a superb traveler and slept all night long in our airbnb–the house had a nursery with a crib, a diaper genie, bath toys, and even a stroller for us to use. Amazing.
We headed straight for the ferry to Essex, NY–Eric can now add it to his list! It was windy but beautiful out on Lake Champlain.It rained all day on Friday, but that didn’t stop us from visiting Shelburne Farms.Tyler loved chasing (still holding our hands) the chickens roaming around the property.Tyler pet his first goat.We all milked a cow!And I perfected my woodworking skills.Obviously, we visited breweries. #57-63 for Tyler. He did his usual thing and conked out.Did you know Burlington is home to the world’s tallest tower made of filing cabinets?Saturday was beautiful and we set out for a long day in the mountains. We planned to hike the Long Trail from the top of the toll road to the summit of Mt Mansfield.But it was windy. Oh, so windy. And SO much colder than in town. This was the most upset we have ever seen Tyler.So Tyler and I headed back to the car while Eric made the quick summit!It’s always neat to see other ski areas. We’d love to ski Stowe in the winter!Leaf-peeping–check!Covered bridges are very Vermont.Gorgeous scenery!Tyler really was such a trooper with all the getting in-and-out of the car and picture-taking.We enjoyed both Heady Topper and Focal Banger by The Alchemist. WOW.We visited Ben & Jerry’s!Picture-perfect Vermont.Sunday we visited Shelburne Orchards. Tyler had his first hayride and picked his first apple!
Oooh! Cider donuts!Enjoying an afternoon in the sunshine on the shores of Lake Champlain.
Many thanks to our friends who gave us recommendations and suggestions of all the things to see, do, eat, and drink in and around Burlington. We ate at Penny Cluse, American Flatbread, and Vergennes Laundry. We drank at Magic Hat, Fiddlehead, Switchback, Queen City, Zero Gravity, Crop, and Prohibition Pig. We saw Stowe, Ben & Jerry’s, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne Orchards, and rode the ferry to Essex, NY. We ate maple ice cream and bought Tyler a little dinosaur we call his Vermontasaurus.
It was so fun to have Tyler there and see him experience things for the first time. Thinking back now, although it was only 4 months ago, I can hardly believe how much he has changed since then. He was barely starting to walk–wobbly and holding our hands. At 14 months old, he was swimming in size 12 months clothes. And he was still nursing. I miss that baby!