I’ve been getting pretty consistent feedback that I’m big.
“You’re not due until August? Really?!”
“Are you sure there’s only one in there?”
“You’re waddling! Must be getting close!” (there will be a follow up post on this one…)
My doctor is on the other end of the spectrum, claiming that since I’m “so tall and skinny it just makes me look big.” She gets bonus points for her bedside manner, by the way. At our 22 week ultrasound the technician mentioned Chandler has large feet, but in all other ways our baby is normally sized. Here are a few photos of my belly!
Lilly knows. We know it.April 11 was College Day at school. This is what I look like in normal clothes.
April 23. Almost 26 weeks!
We had another doctor’s appointment today. Chandler is growing and all is well!
We didn’t find out the sex of the baby. We like to call the baby Chandler, because it’s one of those names that could go either way. I should be very clear here that although we like the name Chandler and encourage others to use it, WE ARE NOT NAMING THE BABY CHANDLER. Here are a few of the early shots of Chandler!
December 18 we heard the heartbeat for the first time.December 26 and Chandler is growing!January 8 Chandler was so active we couldn’t find a heartbeat on the Doppler, so we had another ultrasound. All is well!
I have been very fortunate to feel 100% awesome this entire pregnancy. No pain, no exhaustion, no extra trips to the doctor for anything worrisome. We postponed our “20 week” ultrasound (in quotes because you can get them as early as 18) so that my mom could come with us when she visited over Spring Break. These shots show Chandler at just shy of 22 weeks.
Chandler would not stop moving around. We might have the world’s blurriest ultrasound photos.Tiny arms on a healthy tiny baby!
It’s crazy to think the next time we see this miniature person she or he will be in our arms. Until then we’ll enjoy the frequent flips and spins as Chandler hardly ever rests!
I had a package of chicken thighs in the freezer, with which I usually make Crockpot Chicken Tortilla Soup. I don’t particularly love chicken thighs, but I do love that soup. The problem? It contains not only (evil) beans but also (devil) corn andcorn tortillas. In other words, NOT paleo-friendly. So I looked for another recipe for chicken thighs in the crockpot (sans beans, corn, and other foods that make meals taste delicious) and came across this Crockpot Honey Sesame Chicken.
Scallions & sesame seeds make food pretty.
The recipe is simple, and I even substituted cornstarch for coconut flour to thicken the sauce. Eric loved it. As it’s an Asian-inspired dish, it contains a significant amount of soy sauce. And, since Eric is paleo, he omitted the bed of rice and just went for a giant pile of chicken. Which led to Eric joking, “Soy Pollo!”
It’s Friday night. The refrigerator is doing a great job keeping the milk and soy sauce cold. We’re on a mission to eat in as much as possible. I did take a pound of ground turkey out of the freezer earlier this week, so there’s that.
What else? Half of a red bell pepper, an onion, 2 garlic cloves, a jar of marinara sauce. Some parm for garnish. Wait! What’s that behind the pickles? A container of Manager’s Special mozzarella balls, only half-gone. Score!
I always shop for Manager’s Specials. I’d never pay full price for treats like balls of cheese.
Eric went Paleo in January, but didn’t really get strict about it until March. I am not on the Paleo bandwagon. Pregnant or not, I’m not giving up Panera bread or cereal. Or oatmeal. Or pasta. But, I try to be a good wife, and I’m the resident cook, so I try to make sure Eric has a Paleo option at every meal. Mostly he subsists on salads and leftover dinner meats, and he cooks himself bacon and eggs every day for breakfast.
Occasionally I really want macaroni and cheese (Horizon beats Annie’s), and he gets what he can find. But usually I pull through and on nights like tonight we eat something resembling a meal.
Meat and cheese in a bowl. It makes Eric happy.
Yes, I know we’re really just eating spaghetti sauce in a bowl, but I made it sound fancier than that, right?