I started showing a couple of weeks ago, right before my birthday. Fortunately, it’s winter, so it’s been easy to hide underneath sweaters. And God Bless leggings. Fashion is on my side. Here is a picture from Saturday, February 22nd.
That there is a bump under those maternity jeans.
On Sunday, I could have sworn I was bigger than the day before. Katie remarked, “Wow! You’re really carrying low!” And today, Monday, it became completely obvious to complete strangers that I am totally and completely pregnant.
Lilly has always known.
Could also be the box of Samoas a Girl Scout made me buy.
A lot can happen between two birthdays. On Eric’s birthday, November 10th, we got the green light for IUI. On my birthday, today, February 13th, we’re announcing that we’re just about 16 weeks pregnant.
YAY! That means a due date (or as I like to think of it, 20 day window) of August 4th.
I’m sure many people have figured this out, seeing as how we posted our story and then followed up with pretty much nothing. Sorry about that! We have known since November 22nd that the IUI was successful. But we felt that we couldn’t be too careful, so we kept our secret as long as we could. We did tell our families over Christmas at 8 weeks, which I was nervous about because 8 weeks is early to share for someone with a history of miscarriage. But there was no way I could pretend to drink that much holiday wine, beer, and booze for so many days without someone catching on.
The weeks went by, and I never felt sick, never felt tired, never had to miss work. I also didn’t look pregnant (ok, maybe a little, but that also could have been Christmas cookies and my new love for doughnuts). Having already established that I drink gin & tonics, it was easy to drink soda water with lime when out with friends. I kept on going to yoga and I kept on skiing.
I also had to take Crinone, Estrace, Folgard, Levothyroxine, and a prenatal to support our pregnancy. I’ve since weaned off the progesterone and estrogen, but will remain on the Folgard (for MTHFR) and Levothyroxine (for thyroid), and of course, prenatal vitamins, for the duration of pregnancy.
We’ve had several appointments and everything about the baby is right on track. We’ve had 4 or 5 ultrasounds (side benefit of fertility clinics!) and seen our bean waving at us, doing backflips, and beating his or her miniscule heart. The doctor has assured us we have no reason to worry.
So now, finally, we can write our baby blog. Eric and I are absolutely thrilled. We think Lilly knows, too. She lays her head on my belly sometimes and I can tell she is protective and maybe a bit nervous. We are looking forward to the next few months of preparation, adventure, and rest. I promise I’ll be better about writing now that I’m not keeping any secrets!
I usually grocery shop on the weekends as I can just find the most time on Sundays. However, going to the store during the week is extremely gratifying. No crowds! All those Manager’s Specials! But this past weekend, we went to Steamboat Springs to ski, hot tub, and play euchre with the Floods and the Taylors. After the five-hour trip up (weather, traffic) and four-hour trip down (weather, traffic) I just didn’t feel like hitting up King Soopers. So, Eric is in for some real treats this week, food-wise!
I knew I had two lonely potatoes in the pantry (which I never buy, but did when Eric went through a Paleo phase in January). I though I would make some potato soup. Years ago a friend gave me a basic recipe involving potatoes, carrots, and corn in a broth of chicken stock and fat free cream cheese. I had those ingredients, so I proceeded. But why stop there? I also tossed in the celery tops I save specifically for soup-making purposes. And a few broccoli trees I brought home last week from the school cafeteria (I can’t stand it when kids waste food!) There might have been a couple of cauliflower pieces as well. It simmered nicely with salt and pepper. I served it with the remaining 1/2 oz of cheddar cheese in the fridge as well as some fresh-ish dill from a potato salad I’d made a couple of weeks ago. Overall, the soup was a little better than OK. (Sometimes the “surprise” in Refrigerator Surprise is that it’s not actually all that fantastic.)
There were two servings left over, so Eric and I both had potato soup for lunch today. And it was so much better! I know many soups and stews do taste better the following day, and this one served as a reminder that it’s true. A coworker of Eric’s even asked for the recipe. (Ha!) Anyhow, at least I don’t have to look at those two sad potatoes anymore.